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建设新型农村社区是统筹城乡发展,破除城乡二元结构,落实中央政策的重大举措。该文从分类规划、分步实施、政策引领、强化质监等方面,介绍了金乡县在新型农村社区建设中的几点做法,对各地新型农村社区建设工作具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   
基于GIS重庆岩溶地区生态环境脆弱度评价   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:10  
官冬杰  苏维词 《中国岩溶》2006,25(3):211-218
重庆岩溶区属典型的生态环境脆弱区,宜耕地资源不足,土地退化严重,承受自然灾害能力低,使岩溶地区的社会经济发展和生态环境的协调性差,可持续发展能力弱。本文以重庆市岩溶地区为例,选择碳酸盐岩出露面积、山地面积、旱坡耕地面积、石漠化程度(包括轻度、中度和高度)、森林覆盖率、水土流失面积、土壤侵蚀模数、滑坡体积密度、垦殖指数、人均耕地面积、农业人口密度等13项生态环境脆弱度影响因子作为评价指标,利用层次分析法赋予指标权重,然后构建模糊数学模型对岩溶地区生态环境脆弱度进行评价研究,基于GIS技术对评价结果进行等级划分。结果表明: 重庆25个岩溶区县中潜在脆弱区县3个,轻度脆弱区县10个,中度脆弱区县6个,重度脆弱区县6个。   相似文献   
Studying boreal-type peatlands near the edge of their southern limit can provide insight into responses of boreal and sub-arctic peatlands to warmer climates. In this study, we investigated peatland history using multi-proxy records of sediment composition, plant macrofossil, pollen, and diatom analysis from a 14C-dated sediment core at Tannersville Bog in northeastern Pennsylvania, USA. Our results indicate that peat accumulation began with lake infilling of a glacial lake at ~ 9 ka as a rich fen dominated by brown mosses. It changed to a poor fen dominated by Cyperaceae (sedges) and Sphagnum (peat mosses) at ~ 1.4 ka and to a Sphagnum-dominated poor fen at ~ 200 cal yr BP (~ AD 1750). Apparent carbon accumulation rates increased from 13.4 to 101.2 g C m? 2 yr? 1 during the last 8000 yr, with a time-averaged mean of 27.3 g C m? 2 yr? 1. This relatively high accumulation rate, compared to many northern peatlands, was likely caused by high primary production associated with a warmer and wetter temperate climate. This study implies that some northern peatlands can continue to serve as carbon sinks under a warmer and wetter climate, providing a negative feedback to climate warming.  相似文献   
基于结构方程模型的中国县域人口老龄化影响机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
敖荣军  常亮 《地理学报》2020,75(8):1572-1584
利用2000年和2010年分县人口普查数据,分析中国县域人口老龄化的空间格局及变化,采用结构方程模型拟合人口老龄化影响因子之间的路径关系,探讨中国县域人口老龄化的影响机制。结果表明:内蒙古包头至云南腾冲是中国县域人口老龄化较为清晰的空间分界线,其东南部老龄化高值县区连片集中,低值县区夹杂其间;西北全域老龄化率普遍较低,仅在北缘横亘一条中值县区连绵带。结构方程模型的拟合结果很好地解释了中国县域人口老龄化空间差异的影响机制。迁移率、预期寿命和生育率是人口老龄化进程的内生因素,其中,预期寿命对县域人口老龄化有正向效应,迁移率和生育率则对县域人口老龄化有负向效应。社会经济、家庭状况和自然环境等因素是人口老龄化进程的外生因素,对中国县域人口老龄化有显著的直接和间接效应。收入增加、社会发展、居住条件改善以及环境舒适性提高等推高县域人口老龄化水平,城镇化水平提高则降低县域人口老龄化水平。  相似文献   
贫困、人口和环境是山区县域发展中面临的关键因素,但其中最核心也是可改变的是人口分布基础上形成的低水平均衡的区域格局.山区县域突破贫困、人口和环境之间的"PPE怪圈"及"低水平均衡陷阱"的基本路径是县域空间结构重组.实施空间集中化战略,以人口与投资分布的调整为手段、以城镇发展为基点、以产业集聚为基础,积极促进人口与生产要素向平川区域、重点城镇和中心村集中是山区县域空间结构重组的基本方向.人口、居民点系统是县域空间系统构成中起控制和干预作用的中心环节,以人口、居民点重组为主线,构建县域空间开发的基础格局,以空间管制和配套区域政策为保障,同步推进生态、产业、基础设施重组,是山区县域空间系统化重组的操作模式.  相似文献   
村镇信息化已经成为现阶段国家信息化发展战略和社会主义新农村建设的重要组成部分,特别对我国而言,农村主要分布在县级市域之内,探索和总结县域村镇信息化工作的模式和经验显得尤为重要.本文为此介绍了增城市村镇规划管理信息化平台的建设与应用,主要分析了平台建设的目标体系、总体结构、网络系统设计与主体功能构成,希望为我国县域村镇信...  相似文献   
在开放条件的今天,历时50余年的农业合作银行已不适应当前形势的发展,农村合作金融的生存和发展是一个迫切需要解决的问题。通过对我国农村合作金融的变迁进行回顾与分析,总结历史经验和教训,提出应对目前农村合作金融管理体制和相关金融法律法规政策制度进行改革。  相似文献   
叶冠杰  李立勋 《热带地理》2018,38(3):393-404
以顺德为案例,对基于区域一体化的“撤县(市)设区”以及基于地方积极性的“省直管县”2个阶段中行政区划体制和管理自主权变化、经济发展变化及其相互关系进行分析,探讨行政区划体制变化对顺德经济发展的影响,并结合DEA模型,从经济增长和经济效率水平2方面对其经济发展变化进行多阶段自身纵向和区域横向对比。结果表明:1)撤市设区,有限弱化了顺德规划管理等重要事权、财权财力和核心人事权,不利于顺德经济的长期增长,降低了经济效率;2)强县扩权、省直管,推动顺德财政独立,强化其一般事权和核心人事权,有利于顺德经济增长和经济效率的提高;3)撤市设区后,行政管理层级增加,县级政府对各部门有效制衡被弱化,县域发展意志被制约,更为重要的是,在“中心城市经济实力较弱,为撤并工作顺利,县级制度部分保留”的背景下,市县两级政府分歧下的区域分割等问题难以解决,区域一体化受限明显,这是顺德乃至佛山整体长期经济发展弱化的重要原因;4)强县扩权、省直管后,行政管理趋于扁平化,“大部制改革”“简政放权”权限与动力得到强化,县域发展意志得以实现,是顺德经济发展强化的主要因素。  相似文献   
Spatial pattern and influencing factors of landslide casualty events   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Analysis of casualties due to landslides from 2000 to 2012 revealed that their spatial pattern was affected by terrain and other natural environmental factors, which resulted in a higher distribution of landslide casualty events in southern China than in northern China. Hotspots of landslide-generated casualties were in the western Sichuan mountainous area and Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau region, southeast hilly area, northern part of the loess hilly area, and Tianshan and Qilian Mountains. However, local distribution patterns indicated that landslide casualty events were also influenced by economic activity factors. To quantitatively analyse the influence of natural environment and human-economic activity factors, the Probability Model for Landslide Casualty Events in China (LCEC) was built based on logistic regression analysis. The results showed that relative relief, GDP growth rate, mean annual precipitation, fault zones, and population density were positively correlated with casualties caused by landslides. Notably, GDP growth rate ranked only second to relative relief as the primary factors in the probability of casualties due to landslides. The occurrence probability of a landslide casualty event increased 2.706 times with a GDP growth rate increase of 2.72%. In contrast, vegetation coverage was negatively correlated with casualties caused by landslides. The LCEC model was then applied to calculate the occurrence probability of landslide casualty events for each county in China. The results showed that there are 27 counties with high occurrence probability but zero casualty events. The 27 counties were divided into three categories: poverty-stricken counties, mineral-rich counties, and real-estate overexploited counties; these are key areas that should be emphasized in reducing landslide risk.  相似文献   
In Europe the process of agricultural engagement or disengagement is attributed to the economic factor and mainly on the level of alternative employment source development. It is the relational quality of economic, social and environmental factors that determine sustainability of agricultural holdings and, hence, households. In regions of poor agricultural structures and of many employment opportunities as well as in regions suffering from agricultural depression, households exhibit stronger tendencies towards agricultural disengagement. Remarkably in southern Europe a stable agricultural engagement and not disengagement is observed, even though in recent years there are limited possibilities of alternative income sources and prevailing agricultural depression. This article highlights the factors which lead households to stable engagement with agriculture in a region of southern Europe, the island of Lesvos. The island is characterised by traditional olive grove mono-culture, poor agricultural structures and limited employment opportunities. The investigation of the economic, social and environmental farm household characteristics concluded that in regions where poor agricultural infrastructure and lack of employment prevail, all three factors of sustainability contribute to stability and/or low agricultural disengagement. Among these, the economic factor is the most sensitive and hence highly influential. The social factor is highlighted as a quality and consistent factor due to the respect for tradition. The environmental factor, finally, is characterised by mild cultivation practices, contributing to environment conservation.  相似文献   
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